
Watercolors in the Spring

I had so much fun in my watercolors class I wanted to share the excitement with my children. 
So we brought out our watercolors and brushes and paper and got to creating.

Brooke drew and painted this beautiful, vibrant flower.

Brad chose to draw a tiger on the plains.

Brian painted this marvelous puppy.

And Brea painted this adorable kitty cat. Love the colors!

I love these kinds of days!


Alice said...

they ARE fun, aren't they? i've kind of lost track of these kind of days as kali got older, we need to get them back!

SJ @ Homemaker On A Dime said...

Your kids are real artists! Btw, thanks for stopping by and notifying me about my pictures. I already fixed the issue by paying Photobucket. When I read your comment, I thought, well it's both good and bad news. Bad because I have to pay, good because that means I have lots of readers now :) Hope you'll join us in the party!