
Getting our Hands Dirty

It's gorgeous outside--sunny, breezy and in the high 70's/low 80's. 

Perfect weather for a little gardening.
This is our first little tomato.

These are the flower boxes the boys built and planted.

Because I am Flower-Killer, the only flower I got this year
was a gift from a good friend for my birthday.
Thanks, Hol!

This year we moved my lavender--
it was taking up most of one of our raised veggie beds.
Still, the bees have found it. Phew!

We took advantage of the wet cement outside
to make lasting hand impressions. 

We've been enjoying the breeze through the house.
So much better than central air.

I think our little friends are enjoying the weather, too.
This is the THIRD year that families of robins have used the SAME nest!
I'll never take down another nest, knowing they don't mind sharing.

And speaking of things flying...
We've been blowing our share of bubbles...
Perfect summer fun!

Here's a photo of us on our first official Maryland Park Quest.
We're on the way to TEN! Go Team Stone Harbor!!

So, what kind of summer fun do you have planned?

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