
What's a Girl to Do?

To color, or not to color. That is the question.

I have two gray streaks, one on each side of my face. 
(My almost-40 face sitting on my almost-40 neck. Egads!)

So what options do I have?

I tried a $10 box mix last spring, but didn't like the natural highlights it covered up in my hair. 
Not to mention the gray showed up the very next day. What a waste of time and money.

I could go gray gracefully. I could be brave and laugh in the face of societal standards.
I could admit it's all vanity and accept who I am in Christ. 
 That would be the holy route.

I could remember that earthly treasures fade (like hair color)
and instead store up treasures in Heaven.
I could use the $100+ I'd pay at a salon to instead sponsor a child 
who doesn't have enough nutrition to grow a full head of any color hair.

That would be noble, too. 

And good.

And hard.

I'll admit it. I'm vain. When I look good, I feel good.
But I'm asking myself, at what cost? 
To my soul?

Does it have to be one or the other? 
Beauty or charity?
I only have one checkbook, one source of income.
It just might be.

So don't judge me if you see me trying to pull my hair up all sorts of crazy
trying to hide the gray

while I try to sort this thing out.

I'm open to suggestions...


Amy said...

I actually think gray streaks are cool (and not only because I have some, lol). They look like they are in a good place to just tuck behind your ear? Is it possible that for a smaller fee just the streaks could be colored and leave the bulk of your hair (and any random gray strands) their natural color?

They don't seem really noticeable to me IRL - I think you are beautiful with or without!

rockspringmama said...

Hmm...very thought-provoking, as I am facing the same situation! I am thankful to have a wonderful Christian lady who does hair at her home for a very reasonable price. I used to cringe at spending $100+ on my hair - it seemed so wasteful. Now I'm thinking that whenever I get my hair done, I should put the extra (what I would have spent at a salon) towards my favorite charity! Thanks, Deb.

Anonymous said...

Love this post! I've only had my hair professionally colored once in my life and that was after I had it ruined by a beauty school student and had to pay big bucks to fix it. Ever since I've used either Revlon Feria to color my hair. I think the secret is making sure to comb all the tangles out first, parting the hair in fours with pins and buying enough product. I buy 2 boxes at a time and try to catch them on sale. I have thick, curly hair and it takes me forever but so far it's been ok. Good luck!


Deb said...

Thanks for the comments, ladies. I'm glad to know I'm not alone, and that there are answers that don't break the bank and honor God at the same time.

Alice said...

i dyed mine pink :) hot pink at that. see my facebook profile pic. and it's fun and it makes me feel young :)